Oxalic Acid Extended Release Varroa Mite Treatment - Randy Oliver
Managing Varroa Mite levels in Honey Bee Colonies. We currently do not have adequate tools to effectively control Varroa Mite in Honey Bee Colonies during those times when honey supers are on and our Bees are collecting Honey. The Extended Release Oxalic Acid treatment designed by Randy Oliver is a promising method that could control Varroa Mite levels with Honey Supers on. More work needs to be done, Contact your Local Beekeeping Organizations, Farm Organizations and get them involved.
Donate - https://square.link/u/u6ES42ZT
Swedish Sponges - https://innisfilcreekhoney.com/shop/ols/products/ox-swedish-sponge
Oxalic Acid - https://innisfilcreekhoney.com/shop/ols/search?keywords=99.6%25&sortOption=descend_by_match
Vegetable Glycerin - https://innisfilcreekhoney.com/shop/ols/products/vegetable-glycerin-997-usp-grade----4-litres
Instructions from Randy Oliver - https://scientificbeekeeping.com/instructions-for-extended-release-oxalic-acid/