Our Closest Star
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This is the sixth lecture series of my complete online introductory undergraduate college course. This video series was used at William Paterson University and CUNY Hunter in online classes as well as to supplement in-person course material. Notes and links are present in the videos at the start of each lecture. To begin with, I chat about the bulk properties of the Sun, and some other interesting factoids. Mass, Volume, Density, Temperature, and other things that relate to the Sun as a whole. Next, I’ll teach you all about what the Sun looks like! Prominences, Flares, Sunspots, Ejections! It's a much more active place than you think. It's also mesmerizing, like looking at a fire while camping. After looking at the outside, we go inside, discussing the core of the Sun and its conditions. The core of the Sun is where all of the action begins. It contains the conditions we find in all stars on the Main Sequence. Next, we look at how energy moves around in the Sun, and take a peek at the basic equations of stellar structure. This section lets us know that one day, the Sun will stop shining. That begs the question of exactly how the Sun shines, and how long it will shine, as well as some of the great questions of 19th century Physics. We'll also see what your smile looks like when you get a Nobel Prize. Finally, I discuss how the Standard Model of Physics was tested, and how the existence of fusion in the core of the Sun was actually determined. This led to two Nobel Prizes, and a lot of dry-cleaning fluid down a deep, deep hole.