What is the three body problem? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice break down why the three body problem is unsolvable and what makes it mathematically chaotic.
Is the solar system unstable? Find out about Isaac Newton’s worries about the solar system, Pierre-Simon Laplace’s calculus, and perturbation theory. Would a binary star system be chaotic? What about a star system with three suns? Four suns? Five? Learn about the restricted three body problem and how the Jupiter-Earth-Sun system could be chaotic down the line.
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Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!
#StarTalk #neildegrassetyson
00:00 - Introduction: The Three-Body Problem
00:31 - The Chaos in Our Solar System
3:29 - Laplace & A New Branch of Calculus
6:21 - Orbiting Two & Three Suns
8:45 - The Restricted Three-Body Problem
10:09 - Chaotic Systems