成龍監製 成家班指導|扭計雜牌軍 (Naughty Boys)|惠英紅|劉嘉玲|霍耀良|樓南光|蔣榮發|粵語CC中字|ENGSUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01
【粵語中字】扭計雜牌軍 (Naughty Boys) | 惠英紅(Kara Wai)、劉嘉玲(Carina Lau)、霍耀良(Clarence Fok)、樓南光(Billy Lau)、蔣榮發(Mars Cheung):阿勝與馬輝等人因行劫入獄,臨出獄前馬輝等人因打架要多囚一個月;阿勝依馬輝指示先掘出贓物,不料鑽石竟變石頭,馬輝等人不相信,阿勝知道大禍臨頭,向女朋友借錢逃亡。偵探社職員Bonnie被派追查鑽石下落,她先與阿勝混熟,然後暗中阻止他離開。馬輝出獄,勸阿勝快點逃亡,否則生命有危險,又給她路費,令邦妮產生懷疑。另一同事查到原來馬輝即將與鑽石買家交易,Bonnie於是向阿勝表露身份,解釋馬輝早已取出鑽石,他不過是替死鬼,如果一起合作,有利無害,阿勝答應了。各路人馬齊集交易地點,展開生死存亡大混戰,剛巧警方到來緝捕另一批匪徒,也把馬輝拘捕,混戰結束。張金勝、馬輝、王彪及霍強為結拜好友,一起打劫珠寶行入獄,行將獲釋時,四人卻在監獄飯堂與另一幫囚犯爭執打鬥,輝三人被加刑兩星期,勝如期出獄。勝前往埋藏珠寶地挖掘藏物,但珠寶卻不翼而飛,遂前往獄中告訴輝等人,三人一口咬定勝獨吞珠寶,勝無可解釋,唯有逃走。私家偵探林韻詩為了調查珠寶下落,籍故結識勝,並與勝一同離港。輝三人出獄後告示尋勝,勝四處逃亡,並與韻徹力偵查,發現原來輝與金大枝合謀,早將珠寶掘出,佈下圈套嫁禍勝,於是勝與其他兄弟同陳、輝等鬥智鬥力。
Four sworn brothers.One failed heist.Years in jail. But on the eve of their release,the four have a fight with another gang.As a result, Fey, Bill and Keung are ordered to serve two more weeks,Sing is set free.The three ask sing to get the hidden loot and wait for their eventual reunion. Sing discover the loot has disappeared but the other three are convinced Sing has stolen it.Sing has to escape.His childhood lover Kuen tries to help him to go overseas but is hurt when sing falls for insurance detective Zee. Sing and Zee buy tickets from Leong who is left holding the bag when his boss absconds with the money, Leong, now jobless, tries to sell sing to the trio but ends up by being with sing. Leong's honesty wins Kuen's heart as the thugs close in on them.It is found that actually Fey stole the loot and framed sing.Zee asks Leong,Kuen and sing for help. In a showdown fight,the thugs are subdued, Zee rejects sing's advances and Kuen opts for Leong, Sing is back where the started money less, jobless and loveless.
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成龍監製 成家班指導|扭計雜牌軍 (Naughty Boys)|惠英紅|劉嘉玲|霍耀良|樓南光|蔣榮發|粵語CC中字|ENGSUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01
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