My New (more epic) DML System!
(Apologies for the audio levels, doesn't look like I can fix them post-upload)
Another year, another build... except that I have no such schedule and anyway, this one is already mostly built.
Having scrapped my previous build plans last year I decided to go all out and put together a rather more expansive system instead.
Witness the (provisional) result - a digital, active, 2.2 channel powerhouse using acrylic DML panels for the mains.
- Wiim Pro streamer:
- MiniDSP Flex:
- Hypex FA503 Amp:
- Dayton Audio Thruster IHM:
- Dayton Audio RSS315HO Sub:
The main build may be done but it's not near finished yet, as I'm just entering the 'incessant tweaking' phase and it's this that I plan to document on my channel.
A few things I will definitely be doing:
- Playing around with the DSP crossovers
- Seeing how low I can boost the bass
- Adding a tweeter or HF panel
- Experimenting with Dirac Live room correction
A few things I might also do:
- Add side wing/s to separate front and back waves on the panel
- Probably a bunch of weird and/or ineffective stuff.
If you'd like to see me semi-blindly trying stuff out, please consider subscribing.
I'll either see you next time, or I won't.