This video shows how to multi pitch rappel. It also covers some footage on Pingora in Cirque of the Towers. This technique is useful in trad climbing, sport climbing, and any kind of multi pitch climbing scenario.
#rappelling #climbing #multipitch
0:00 - Intro
1:34 - Hike to Pingora
3:16 - Climbing Pingora
6:14 - Rappel Set-up
8:35 - Setting up Rappel Rope
10:45 - Tossing Rope
11:56 - Rigging in
13:50 - Rappelling
14:44 - Setting up Second Rappel Anchor
17:00 - Pulling Rope Through
18:25 - Tossing Rope Again
19:10 - Following on Rappel
21:30 - Cleaning the Anchor System
24:00 - Last Rappel
26:14 - On the Ground and Wrap Up