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Edited by Israh S.
Pricing Beauty: The Making of a Fashion Model by Ashley Mears
This Year's Model: Fashion, Media, and the Making of Glamour by Elizabeth Wissinger
Fashioning models image, text, and industry by Elizabeth Wissinger & Joanne Entwistle
Fashioning Fat: Inside Plus-Size Modeling by Amanda M. Czerniawski
“Pride and Glamour on the Catwalk: Fashion Models as National and Ethnic Icons” by Patrícia Soley-Beltran in Identity Discourses and Communities in International Events, Festivals and Spectacles
"The Enchanted Spectacle" by Caroline Evans in Fashion Theory The Journal of Dress Body & Culture
0:00 - intro
3:39 - the origins of modeling
15:13 - the supermodel era
21:50 - the “look” and other problems