0:39 Behold, the Ruler of the Frost 冷気を統べる者の片鱗
2:00 Seliana, Ready for War セリエナの攻防
3:25 Splendiferous Silver Sovereign 壮麗纏いし銀盤の貴人
5:33 壮麗纏いし銀盤の貴人:The Chase
6:36 THE END OF ICEBORNE 歴戦王 Arch Tempered
8:30 THE END OF ICEBORNE 歴戦王:The Chase
9:33 壮麗纏いし銀盤の貴人:Mount
11:46 冷気を統べる者の片鱗:Mount
13:01 セリエナの攻防:Mount
14:20 THE END OF ICEBORNE 歴戦王:Mount
16:20 壮麗纏いし銀盤の貴人:Reverse Chase
18:30 THE END OF ICEBORNE 歴戦王:Reverse Chase
20:32 Songs of Triumph in the Winter Sky 寒空に響く凱歌