Ever looked for a comprehensive intro to Maven that is fun and entertaining at the same time? Then have a look at this brand-new episode of "Marco Codes": Maven Tutorial [Crash Course].
In this video, you'll learn how to use Maven like a professional: installations, using the mvn wrapper, using Maven together with IDEs, and of course the Maven basics. From pom.xml concepts to running commands (clean install) to understanding Maven repositories and multi-module projects, by the end of it, there won't be many questions left when it comes to Maven.
► References
► Table Of Contents
00:00 Intro
00:30 Cloning The Sample Project
01:09 Installing Maven - Package Manager
01:34 Installing Maven - Manual
02:57 Maven Wrapper
04:31 mvn validate
05:21 IntelliJ - Importing Maven Projects
06:12 Pom.xml - Basics
07:07 Pom.xml - Properties
07:38 Pom.xml - Build Section
08:06 Pom.xml - Dependencies
09:40 Pom.xml - Dependency Scopes
11:41 search.maven.org - Dependency Search
12:27 IntelliJ - Maven Reload Trick
13:11 IntelliJ - Dependency Search
15:04 Maven Directory Structure
15:25 mvn clean
15:37 mvn compile
16:00 mvn test
17:45 mvn package
18:36 mvn install
19:18 Local Maven Repository
20:25 Central Maven Repository
22:28 Multi Module Projects
► Further Reading:
mvn clean install - https://www.marcobehler.com/guides/mvn-clean-install-a-short-guide-to-maven
Maven: The Complete Reference - https://books.sonatype.com/mvnref-book/reference/index.html