Mastering Challenges and Controlling Desires | A View From Quran | Omar Suleiman | Islam Guides
in the above video Omar Suleiman explained about the difficulties and desires, that how to conquer it before they conquer us, how to overcoming desires and difficulties with prayer and patience, do not be a slave of your desires, whenever there is test and trials of your faith, then ask Allah's help so that you deal it well !
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#trials #Quran #selftest #testandtrails #IslamGuides #Islamiclectures
#omarsuleimanlectures #omarsuleimankhutbah #islamiclectures
Omar Suleiman
Dr Omar Suleiman
Prayer, islam, quran, koran
Overcoming desires and difficulties
how to overcome desires
Ask Allah's help
never be a slave of your desires
Allah's help
self test, islamic lectures
faith and patience
prayer for patience, prayer for calmness and peace
tahajjud prayer
Qur'anic View, A View From Quran
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