Mantra and Transcendental Meditation Explained by Maharishi
Maharishi explains everything about the Transcendental Meditation mantra and how it is important to have a meaningless sound.
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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
"The teaching has been set up in a very very standard form. What we do is actual practice involves thinking of a word. A word with no meaning. The principal is if we know the meaning, meaning is a static thing. Someone who doesn't know the meaning of the word pencil in English will just here the sound pencil. Someone who the word pencil, the meaning is static."
"The thought functions as an impulse as a motivation for impulse, then the mind is pulsating if we don't try to manipulate the thought in anythings concentrate or hold it on or anything then the thought will start to refine refine refine and it will sink out and the activity will start to die out die out die out. So this is what we say, naturally greater activity of the mind reaches its least value, in a very very natural way. Any activity has the tendency to settle down and be quiet. So this natural tendency of the mind to be quiet is all we use in Transcendental Meditation, and nothing else. So in a very innocent manner, we think of the thought and every time we think it becomes finer finer and finer and we experience its finer thoughts and then it dies out. The mind is left wide awake by itself without any sound to experience. that inner wakefulness is that unbounded awareness, no boundaries."
To have that effortless thinking, one needs verification from the teacher and then one knows what it means to have thought with no effort.
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The Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple, effortless mental process practiced for 15 - 20 minutes twice a day, sitting quietly and comfortably in a chair with the eyes closed.
Maharishi University of Management