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Un ringraziamento a:
Associazione culturale Settimo Continente (Roma,
[email protected] ) per la location.
@Zoosparkle e LaGiada Naturalista (instagram @la_giada_naturalista) per la revisione dei testi.
Moreno Stefanuto e @ThePio3D per l'aiuto montaggio.
Emanuel Simeoni per il supporto logistico.
Per approfondire i temi trattati:
1) Burke, Nathan W., and Gregory I. Holwell. "Male coercion and female injury in a sexually cannibalistic mantis." Biology Letters 17.1 (2021): 20200811.
2) Brown, William D., and Katherine L. Barry. "Sexual cannibalism increases male material investment in offspring: quantifying terminal reproductive effort in a praying mantis." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283.1833 (2016): 20160656.
3) Animalogic
4) Yager, David D. "15. Comparative Aspects of Rearing and Breeding Mantids." (1999).
5) Benoit, Amanda D., and Susan Kalisz. "Predator Effects on Plant-Pollinator Interactions, Plant Reproduction, Mating Systems, and Evolution." Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 51 (2020): 319-340.
6) O'Hanlon, James C. "The Roles of Colour and Shape in Pollinator Deception in the Orchid Mantis Hymenopus coronatus." Ethology 120.7 (2014): 652-661.
7) Burrows, Malcolm, et al. "Mantises exchange angular momentum between three rotating body parts to jump precisely to targets." Current Biology 25.6 (2015): 786-789.
8) Rossoni, Sergio, and Jeremy E. Niven. "Prey speed influences the speed and structure of the raptorial strike of a ‘sit-and-wait’predator." Biology letters 16.5 (2020): 20200098.
10) Nyffeler, Martin, Michael R. Maxwell, and J. V. Remsen Jr. "Bird predation by praying mantises: a global perspective." The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129.2 (2017): 331-344.
11) Birkhead, T. R., K. E. Lee, and P. Young. "Sexual cannibalism in the praying mantis Hierodula membranacea." Behaviour 106.1-2 (1988): 112-118.
12) Rilling, Susan, Horst Mittelstaedt, and K. D. Roeder. "Prey recognition in the praying mantis." Behaviour (1959): 164-184.
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