Magnus Carlsen DESTROYS Hikaru Nakamura’s KING’S INDIAN DEFENSE! (Magnus = King's Indian Destroyer!)
Magnus Carlsen completely destroyed Hikaru Nakamura's King's Indian Defense in the 2023 Champions Chess Tour AI Cup, and in this video Magnus shows why Hikaru's precious King's Indian Opening is almost never played at the highest level! This King's Indian game between Magnus and Hikaru was especially interesting because Hikaru went for an absolutely crazy attacking plan on the kingside with a fast ...f5, but Magnus was ready for it and destroyed Hikaru's aggressive King's Indian opening, earning the title of King's Indian Destroyer!
In the game Magnus Carlsen opened 1.Nf3, but the game quickly transposed back to a classical King's Indian opening with the moves Be2 and 0-0 on the board. From there Hikaru went for an early ...Na6, Magnus traded pawns on e5, and then sacrificed a pawn on the c5 square! The game quickly heated up as Hikaru then attacked Magnus on the kingside with the key King's Indian Defense move ...f5, but Magnus Carlsen was ready and jumped in with his knights to the newly weakened light squares on the kingside, giving Hikaru Nakamura all sorts of problems!
In the end Magnus Carlsen completely destroyed Hikaru Nakamura's King's Indian opening, leaving Hikaru wondering why he ever played the King's Indian Defense opening in the first place!
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