Lots of heavy snow | Homestad Diary January off grid daily life in Norway
It's January on our Norwegian homestead. This video is another that just follow our and all the animals daily life on the little off grid farm. The winter months begin with cold weather, so the chickens and ducks are kept inside while small birds take over the duck yard and flock to the bird feeders. The landscape is beautifully white, and we're excited to hear the news of even more snow. We're expecting 50 cm of fresh snow in just 24 hours. With shovels ready, the snow starts to fall heavily. I spend the whole day shoveling, but the wind keeps blowing it back within an hour each time, so eventually, I call it a day and look forward to checking the snow accumulation the next morning.
The next morning, the wind has changed, and suddenly it's mild. The snow is wet and heavy, and it needs to be cleared during the day. By evening, the temperature will drop again, freezing the snow into ice, making it much harder to remove. It takes me three hours just to shovel a path to the animals! Eventually, I manage to care for the donkey, sheep, and woolly pigs, and the ducks can finally come out after being kept indoors due to the cold.
This video features a lot of snow shoveling but also includes glimpses of starting this year's firewood preparation, a tragic loss among the animals, a happy dog in the forest, and a small outing to search for icicles that turned into a search for ancient rock carvings.
Music by @autoburner
#homestead #norway #winter #vlog #offgrid #sheep #pig #donkey #ducks #chickens