Lo "Shake-Scene"- Johannes Factotum & John Florio: TUTTA LA VERITA'
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In questo video spiego qual è stata la prima menzione di Shakespeare nel teatro elisabettiano: ovvero l'attacco di Robert Greene e Thomas Nashe come "Shake-Scene" e "Absolute Johannes Factotum" nel Groatsworth of Wit del 1592. Vi mostrerò perchè a rispondere a questi attacchi non fu Shakespeare, bensì John Florio nelle sue opere: Second Fruits e A World of Words.
Resolute John Florio all'ambasciata francese uscirà il 17 Febbraio 2025 su Amazon. Non perderlo!
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- MY BOOK “JOHN FLORIO’S ITALIAN & ENGLISH SONNETS”: https://www.amazon.co.uk/John-Florios-Italian-English-Sonnets/dp/1716114977/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=marianna+iannaccone&qid=1644749397&sr=8-1
A Playlist about John Florio & Henry Wriothesley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8bZQLKwxXM&list=PLf-pWP4De6ajfuje0mTnbp9I_kFgcLMfu
A Playlist about John Florio & Shakespeare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD27IF7Gr7Q&list=PLf-pWP4De6ai2Jh2tp2yGfe0kiAYuQ74K
A Playlist about John Florio & Giordano Bruno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXyffDFrmcc&list=PLf-pWP4De6ai9FCIAfI59IFJT2eG7UscZ
Are you new to John Florio? Watch this video NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpHCVWx3TRU
Best books to buy about John Florio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge_CR6vfpj4&t=445s
Fake legends about John Florio you must stop believing NOW: https://youtu.be/M5bEqwiKAWE
#shakespeare #johnflorio