Lo schianto nel nulla. | Luca Ward | TEDxFermo
Gli insight prendono il posto dei curriculum. Il bicchiere mezzo pieno o mezzo vuoto… diventa sempre più vuoto! Le competenze servono ancora? Io continuo ad avere il mio curriculum e ad aggiornarlo con la speranza che si possa tornare indietro. Bisogna dare l’esempio ai nostri ragazzi.
Insights take the place of resumes. The glass half full or half empty... becomes increasingly empty! Are skills still needed? I keep having my resume and updating it in the hope that we can go back. We have to set an example to our kids.
Luca Ward was born and grew up in a family of voice actors. As a child he dreamed of becoming a famous racing driver, but soon he began to approach the world of acting, becoming increasingly passionate.Known for being a hugely successful Italian voice actor, has lent the voice to the great stars of Hollywood cinema, for example: Russell Crowe in "The Gladiator", Samuel L. Jackson in "Pulp Fiction", Pierce Brosnan in some films of the 007 saga, Antonio Banderas, Robert Downey Jr. and many others.
Before becoming a voice actor, Luca, from a very young age, began his career as an actor, began with the theater then began to act in films and TV series. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx