Lips 106 FULL RADIO | GTA Alternative Radio with Commericals (2001)
A new take on Lips 106. Lips 106 or Lips 106 FM is a radio station in Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, it acts as a Top 40 station and plays mostly pop, among other genres.
DJ Andee:
In 1998, the setting for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Andee says that she is paid to laugh at Cliff Lane's jokes and Cliff says the same, also saying that she's not paid to suck up to the producers and steal his job. Andee later says that she can't wait until she's the "only DJ on this station" suggesting that she expects Cliff to be fired soon. She also professes her love of boybands, asking at one point why Cliff hates them so much. She dislikes Cliff because of his perverted comments about teenage girls and his constant jibes about her age.
DJ Cliff Lane:
Cliff, who is much older than Andee, has an interest in younger girls, and as a result, favors girl bands instead of boy bands.
Andee and Cliff do not get along with each other, with Cliff claiming that Andee is there to "laugh at the jokes" rather than trying to "suck up" and get Cliff's job.
Cliff voices intentions to manage a new girl band called "Lost Innocence", that would consist of teenage girls. Cliff has also claimed to have once coached an all-girls softball team. On the other hand, Cliff is apparently uninterested in older women, as seen when he mocks Andee for wearing a tank top. He also mentions wanting to hire a teenage co-host instead.