Les Crowder: Social Pollinators, Honey Bee Races, and Sustainable Natural Beekeeping Practice
Les Crowder brings to us the spirit of over five decades of beekeeping experience and thoughtful practice. Les offers a deep dive into the discussion of social pollinators and their importance in thriving flora and large flowering trees. He will also teach us about the various honey bee races and how the various lineages offered by breeders offer different traits and characteristics that add to or improve your beekeeping goals. He will also educate us on his vision for a sustainable future using resistant honeybee stock.
Register now for the 3rd Annual Virtual Winter Conference 2.24.2024: https://sbgmi.org/product/2024-sbgmi-winter-conference-registration
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Members receive annual access to premium content and 2023 Virtual Winter Conference Recordings featuring Dr. John Harbo, Dr. Jamie Ellis, Dr. David Peck, Dr. Robyn Underwood, Michael Bush, Nathalie B. Kim Flottum, Stephen Repasky, Adrian Quiney, and Les Crowder! SBGMI Members have access to content April 1, 2023 through https://sbgmi.org/michigan-beekeeping-winter-conference-2023
Need Free Honey Bee Swarm Removal: http://www.mibeeswarmremoval.com
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