Having trouble grading and balancing scenes? It is the hardest part of color grading. I’m a UK based broadcast colorist for nearly 20 years - I've graded for BBC, Amazon, ITV, C4 amongst many. In this episode I'm going to show you how I balance a scene using this music video from Beard Meets Food - full nodes and methods revealed. I am a Professional Broadcast Colourist with 13 years on DaVinci Resolve and 28 years in post production.
Thanks to Josh Gudgeon @JoshGudgeon Beard meets Food @Beardmeatsfood and Sister Beard for this one.
BTS from Josh's YouTube Channel
✅Watch 'I Got Cheesecake' here
✅Watch my Resolve Vs Dehancer Episode here
✅Watch How I Grade a Commercial here
✅Watch my CST Anxiety Episode here
00:00 INTRO
00:50 Understanding and developing the look
01:45 Color Management and fixed node tree
04:38 Grading the First Shot
08:16 Balancing the scene and how to grade more than one shot
11:59 Working with Groups in Resolve
13:10 Ripple changes in Resolve
** FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE NODE TREE USED IN THIS EPISODE - If you have already subscribed you should have received an email link already with the last episode.
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Graphics in this episode were made using MotionVFX for DaVinci Resolve. Get 15% discount with this link https://mvfx.co/DarrenMostyn using code DARREN15 at checkout (excl bundles).
I used mTitle Hype DV, mTutorial DV, mTuber 2 DV and mKBHD
10% DISCOUNT on ANY Dehancer product using code DARREN10 at checkout https://www.dehancer.com
** If you want to say "thank you" then you can 'buy me a coffee' if you like.
always appreciated and with a personal thank you AND get your name posted on my next YouTube LIVE**
Music - Artlist
Get *** 2 MONTHS FREE **** licensing for Artgrid and Artlist using these links. No deals available for Motion Array. I may get an affiliate link commission at no extra cost to you.
Motion Array
Click this link and enter the code given at the end of the episode to get 15% off ANY product from Time In Pixels, including Omniscope.
NOBE OMNISCOPE. https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/105086/126277?link=2925
FALSE COLOR. https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/105086/126277?link=2154
NOBE COLOR REMAP. https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/105086/126277?link=2156
NOBE DISPLAY. https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/105086/126277?link=2155
TIME IN PIXELS MAIN PAGE. https://a.paddle.com/v2/click/105086/126277?link=2153
Enter Code DARREN15 at checkout after following the link above.
#colorist #beardmeetsfood #davinicresolvetutorial