Learn SQL In 60 Minutes

Learn SQL In 60 Minutes

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Learn SQL In 60 Minutes
In this video we will cover everything you need to know about SQL in only 60 minutes. We will cover what SQL is, why SQL is important, what SQL is used for, the syntax of SQL, and multiple examples of SQL. SQL is the standard language for interacting with and manipulating data in a relational database system, and is one of the most important concepts you can learn in programming. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete data which is something nearly every application will need to do. IMPORTANT: Exercises Worksheet Repository: https://github.com/WebDevSimplified/Learn-SQL How to Install MySQL: https://youtu.be/u96rVINbAUI Outline: [00:00] - Intro [05:10] - SQL Syntax [07:30] - Create Database [09:20] - Drop Database [10:34] - Use Database [11:22] - Create Table [13:01] - Alter Table [14:47] - Drop Table [15:08] - Create Table (Part 2) [15:35] - Band Table [15:55] - Not Null [16:10] - Primary Key/ID/Auto Increment [18:40] - Album Table [20:05] - Foreign Key/Table Relationships [23:05] - Insert Into [25:40] - Select [26:27] - Limit [26:52] - Specific Columns [27:18] - As/Alias Columns [28:20] - Order By [29:24] - Insert Into (Part 2) [32:04] - Distinct Select [33:07] - Update [33:40] - Where [33:15] - Less Than [33:55] - Like String Filter [37:26] - Or [38:04] - And [38:40] - Between [39:20] - Is Null [39:46] - Delete [41:00] - Join [43:25] - Inner/Left/Right Comparison [46:42] - Aggregate Functions [48:05] - Group By [50:40] - Combined With Join [51:15] - Alias Tables [53:57] - Having vs Where Learn X in Y Minutes Playlist: http://bit.ly/2RscdMZ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DevSimplified GitHub: https://github.com/WebDevSimplified CodePen: https://codepen.io/WebDevSimplified #SQL #LearnSQL #MySQL