Launching the new Rare Disease Research Network - RAREfest24
Join us for the much-anticipated launch of the new patient-driven Rare Disease Research Network (RDRN) platform in this RAREfest24 panbel session. Funded by NIHR and co-created by the Patient Led Research Hub and CamRARE, in partnership with the #raredisease community, this platform is a safe place for patients to share their #research ideas and priorities and to collaborate with researchers to realise them. Join the platform too and help us turn research on its head!
Featuring speakers:
Laura Cowley, Patient-Led Research Hub/RDRN
Georgie Windsor, RDRN/CamRARE @CamRARE
Allison Watson, CEO, Ring20 Research and Support @ring20researchandsupportuk73
Loretta MacInnes, Trustee, CamRARE/RDRN