Joe vs 130lbs Superbow: New world record?

Joe vs 130lbs Superbow: New world record?

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Joe vs 130lbs Superbow: New world record?
EK Archery asked if it would OK if they made a 130lbs compound bow for Joe Gibbs and we made a film about it. Would it be OK? EK Archery offers to make Joe his own personal bow with the highest draw weight in the world and then I get to film it. Is it OK? - HELL YEAH! Joe's usual weapon is a 160lbs longbow, and has never shot a compound before. Here you watch him from first picking up a compound to trying the 131lbs world beating monster. Does the bow defeat Joe, or does Joe and the bow defeat the breastplate? You can find an amazing range of hand bows and crossbows from EK Archery here 00:00 Intro 00:42 Intro to the monster compound bow 01:57 Joe meets the bow 03:47 Yew Longbow Demonstration 09:04 Axis bow warmup 11:27 Weighing the bow 12:21 Weighing the Arrow 13:52 Superbow World Record attempt One 15:25 Superbow World Record attempt Two 16:59 Shooting the breastplate 20:25 Superbow with a lighter arrow 22:56 70lbs Axis bow vs breastplate 26:50 70lbs Axis bow vs helmet 27:58 Conclusion 30:41 Data Table For excellent quality historical replicas including merch For historical commissions and custom For Tods Workshop and Tod Cutler merch including Running man targets, t-shirts etc. For those who enjoyed Arrows vs Armour We have a Patreon page and if you liked this and wish to support the channel please consider having a look