Jak dobrze, że pada - o samostanowieniu szczęścia | Andrzej Tucholski | TEDxRakowicka
Andrzej Tucholski to psycholog biznesu i strateg. Pisze bloga, nagrywa YouTube’a i podcast poświęcone szukaniu sensu w codzienności i ogarnianiu życia. W nocy pisze scenariusze. Stanowczo za bardzo lubi kawę. Jego TEDxTalk poruszył tłum TEDxserów - jest o szczęsciu. Jak odnaleźć to szczęscie we włąsnym życiu i jak to od nas samych zależy czy będziemy szczęsliwi.
Andrzej Tucholski is a business psychologist and strategist. He writes a blog, records YouTube and a podcast dedicated to finding meaning in everyday life and embracing life. He writes scripts at night. He definitely likes coffee too much. His TEDxTalk is about happiness where we can find to be happy
He writes a blog, records YouTube and a podcast dedicated to finding meaning in everyday life and embracing life. He writes scripts at night. He definitely likes coffee too much This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx