This course introduces the foundations of neuroscience, from the biochemistry of neurotransmitters, the electrical basis of action potentials, to the computations performed by neural circuitry and the social implications of atypical neural function. This video introduces my goals for the course and lays out a wholistic approach to understanding brain function as a complex, integrated system.
Playlist for all Videos:
Professor Bing Wen Brunton
@bingbrunton on twitter
%%% CHAPTERS %%%
0:00 Introduction and motivation
1:13 How big is your brain?
4:05 Why I like brains
7:33 The longest cell that ever existed?
9:32 The brain is multi-scale in time and space
12:07 The itinerary for this course
14:50 My goals for you
19:04 We don't see with our eyes, but with our brains
24:49 Pre-reqs for the course