Incident Cleaning Poor Teachers' Dormitory Cutting Overgrown Grass Clean Front Yard Transformation
- Incident Cleaning the Poor Teachers' Dormitory Cutting the Overgrown Grass Cleaning the Front Yard Transformation
- Hello everyone, we are happy to be back cleaning and helping people. This structure is the dormitory of teachers in the mountain area. Luckily, she knew us through our YouTube channel: Clean up 68, so she contacted us to help her clean up her front yard. Hope everyone will like this project. This is a good resource for everything in this life. Have a nice day. Leave your comments after watching the video
- Hope you enjoy it. Don't forget we have a channel :Clean up 68. If you want a quick change check out our channel : Cleaning ASMR.Have a nice day.
- My fans:
- Al bladez
- Clean up 68
- SB Mowing
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