MULTISUB【Imperial Detective🕵️♂️鐵面禦史】▶ EP 01 | 被滅門的清官竟是絕世高手👻大開殺戒報仇雪恨📜智勇雙全的大明禦史發現幕後黑手居然私藏傳國玉璽!
🕗Schedule: Everyday at 20:00 (GMT+8)
明朝永乐年间,浙江按察使周新微服私访、审凶查案、惩恶扬善,安抚百姓的传奇故事,续写周新审案、反腐的传奇故事。 本剧由傅侍郎命案、铜镜催杀案、匠人失踪案、桂树夺命案、少女溺水案、四指疑案、倩女离魂案、盐官奇死案、墨水镇劫杀案、恶虎口惊马案等10个案子串连而成。周新为查处腐败与纪纲矛盾激发后,明成祖朱棣听信纪纲谗言,周新被误杀。最终朱棣醒悟过来,将贪腐之臣纪纲处以极刑,并追封周新为杭州城隍。
Song Zhao Yi was an imperial palace official who indicted the powerful and noble. He was so direct and disinterested that he was known as the "iron-faced imperial historian". Later, the term was used to describe an impartial and strict official who didn't fear the powerful and the nobles and didn't show favouritism.
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