If you don't understand this about surfing, you'll never progress
Let's talk about the aesthetics of surfing for a bit - it's probably something you've already unconsciously observed when watching others in the water. The fact that beginner surfers move in a horizontal line, intermediate surfers move in a slight up and down way whilst advanced surfers move in a tight up and down way (essentially, smiles and frowns).
Alongside this broader aesthetic of smiles and frowns we also have functional and important positions that a surfer should be in at each point of their line.
Come to my UK wave pool retreat - https://stokedsurfadventures.com/tour/kale-brock-the-wave-bristol/
Join me at the wave pool in Australia - https://www.kalebrock.com.au/surf
HEAR MORE FROM ME - https://bio.site/kalesbroccoli