I Tested Every Controversial Footballer Product
Mas+ or PRIME??? Don't forget to download Top Eleven 2025 to Be a Football Manager here: https://topeleven.onelink.me/topeleven/JamieFussel
In this football video, I bought and tested controversial products sold by football players! I tested controversial football products sold by some huge stars, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Suarez, Neymar and Heung-Min Son! The main product I tested in this video is Mas+, the hydration drink that Messi launched early in 2024. Mas+ is controversial because it looks very similar to KSI and Logan Paul's PRIME drink, so I decided to compare and test them to see which is better and if Messi is copying PRIME. I bought products that Ronaldo sold such as the Six-Pad, the smile improver, and football products that Messi sold such as Footbubbles, the string ball.
Most footballer products are perfectly fine, however, a small number of them land themselves in a controversy and get cancelled. So I decided to buy and test as many controversial footballer products as I could to see if they actually deserved to be cancelled or if they actually need uncancelling. Some of these products were hillarious to use, and I loved making this video so much! I found that while some products definitely deserved their controversy, others were pretty fine, and deserve to be uncancelled.
I absolutely loved making this video and I hope you all enjoy it! Thank you for watching :)
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