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♛ Find the Nimzo-Indian Defense opening variations shown in the video in this blog-post - https://chess-teacher.com/nimzo-indian-defense/
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares his secret attacking variation in the Nimzo-Indian Defense, an excellent chess opening for Black against 1.d4. It arises after the following moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4. By not playing d5, Black avoids committing to a pawn structure, making it more flexible.
Many chess players shy away from playing the Nimzo-Indian Defense due to its complicated nature and the variety of options White has for the fourth move, which requires Black to learn a lot of theory.
However, in this video lesson, GM Smirnov reveals a secret variation that serves as a solid opening system for Black. This variation eliminates the need to master the complex theories of the Nimzo-Indian Defense and can be played against all of White's responses. It also offers the opportunity to launch a powerful kingside attack.
► Chapters
00:00 Nimzo-Indian Defense Chess Opening For Black
01:04 The problem with the Nimzo-Indian (why they don't play it)
01:50 1) White plays 4.Nf3
03:34 Fianchetto the Queenside Bishop
05:12 Kingside attacking plan for Black
07:07 Nasty checkmating threats
10:18 If White attacks with Ba3
13:25 If White doesn't play g3
14:45 2) White plays 4.e3
16:54 3) White plays 4.a3
19:00 4) White plays 4.Qc2
20:26 5) White plays 4.Bg5
23:50 If White plays Rc1 to defend c3
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