I made a Porsche Taycan with a 3D pen

I made a Porsche Taycan with a 3D pen

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I made a Porsche Taycan with a 3D pen
It's a hand-made Porsche... Production period 40 days 3D PEN BUY LINk : https://sanago-en.com/product/new-sanago-3d-printing-pen-nago/33/?cate_no=24&display_group=1 sanding tool - https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/1005003738441717.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.102.4754140fH5AafE&gatewayAdapt=glo2kor 00:00 Introduction 00:13 Cutting and gluing drawings 01:26 Drawing fittings 02:00 Putting on the basic frame 03:27 Filling noodles 04:11 Curling cotton 04:31 Separate from drawing 04:48 Ironing cotton with sandpaper 04:55 Enjoy a moment ☕ 05:10 Air duct, rear light making 07:45 Create Side Mirror 08:32 Back bumper details 08:49 Creating a Front Light 09:30 Paint surface cleaning 09:47 Drawing panel lines 10:08 Making a dynamic spoiler 11:06 Creating windows 12:02 Creating a window frame 12:59 Attach side mirror mirror 13:10 Painting the bottom 13:54 Clean up the surface 14:39 Painting in main paint 15:50 Painting Finishes 16:08 Putting on a decal 16:40 2nd Finishing Paint 16:40 sandpaper surface work 16:55 Compound Glossary Work 17:29 Finishing assembly 17:40 Installing LED, assembling 18:57 Drawing a panel line 19:43 Putting on windows 20:04 Attach side mirror mirror 20:07 Putting the rest together 20:23 assembling wheel tires 20:49 Connect line to RC car 20:53 Combined with Body! 20:58 FINISH! 🍾 #Momandeum #3Dpen #Porsche #Taycan #electriccar #asmr