Carabiners rated for climbing fail at at least 20 kn when tested on the major axis. The 12kn carabiners we test in this episode look and feel like climbing carabiners and could easily be mistaken as life supporting devices. The product descriptions, reviews and comments can also be vague if not directly recommending them for climbing use. You need your aluminum stronger than you need it so it doesn't become fatigued and suddenly snap on you. The carabiners we broke all failed at higher than 12kn in this episode but that doesn't mean they are proof loaded and meet the standards for climbing use.
DO NOT BUY THESE - these links are just for you to reference the carabiners we tested in this episode. We literally threw away the extra ones we did not break or use so they don't accidentally get mixed into my gear
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00:00 Salty Intro
00:35 Titecougo Description
03:14 Unijoy Description
05:46 L-Rover Description
08:37 A Great Description
10:41 21kn Carabiners
11:13 12kn Carabiner Break Tests
13:45 12kn Summary
15:30 Climbing Carabiners Tested
16:25 Summary