Today's video is a longboarding tutorial on how to set your board up for downhill skateboarding. Catch the in-depth guide here:
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0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Disclaimer
0:30 - You should already have
1:01 - What we're talking about
1:10 - 50* vs 43ish* trucks
1:47 - What makes a good downhill setup
2:23 - A strong center for your trucks
3:12 - What gives a cast trucks a strong center
4:15 - What a strong center did for me
5:11 - The "direct feel" explained
5:53 - Cast trucks with the direct feel
6:18 - What about other cast trucks?
6:37 - Discount code!
6:45 - Bushings
6:54 - What bushings for downhill?
7:26 - Soft or hard bushings?
8:00 - Get bushings right for your weight
8:13 - Different trucks need different bushings
8:35 - Go here for bushing advice
8:46 - Conclusion!