How to rid A-frame 2 - Case Study Peter
Finally I have this video ready for release. Actually, no video is ever "totally ready" but at some point you just have to pull the plug on the project. It started back in the winter of 2019 when Peter, the A-frame reference in the first video, made such good progress ridding his A-frame using my method and drill and I wanted to share it with all of you. I made a bunch of scripts over the years but this winter I started over and finally pulled it through.
The video is the longest I have ever made but I wanted to include Peters success story while at the same time cover A-framing and its why's and how's. Turn's out that ridding your A-frame is the key to further advancement. I was talking to Peter last Saturday out on the hill and he said that working on ridding his A-frame enabled him to advance in all aspects of his skiing. Peter is now a L1 certified ski instructor and enjoying his acquired skills out on the mountain almost every day during the winter.
For script please request by email: tdk.skiracing(a)
Tom @ TDK Skiracing aka Triggerboy62