How to raise egg-laying chickens - Harvesting eggs - organic chicken feed - chicken farm.

How to raise egg-laying chickens - Harvesting eggs - organic chicken feed - chicken farm.

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How to raise egg-laying chickens - Harvesting eggs - organic chicken feed - chicken farm.
#egg-layingchickens #organic chickenfeed #chicken farming In this video, I’ll guide you on how to raise egg-laying chickens effectively, from daily care and harvesting eggs to making organic chicken feed. You’ll learn essential techniques to keep your chickens healthy and ensure consistent egg production. I’ll also share practical experiences from my own chicken farm. If you’re passionate about sustainable farming and want to boost your egg production, this video is for you. 00:00 introduction. 00:41 chickens raised for meat and eggs on the farm. 09:07 organic chicken feed 14:45 egg harvesting 21:47 homemade chicken feed #egg-layingchickens #oganicchickenfeed #chickenfarming #harvestingeggs #raisingchickens #sustainablefarming #organicfarmingtips #chickencare #eggproduction #organicpoultryfarming #tiepnhanfarm #tiepnhan