How to Improve at Tactics and Calculation · Advice from Greatest Chess Coaches and Best Resources
How to become better at spotting tactical opportunities and calculating them correctly.
Is combinational vision a natural gift? Not really. We know that child prodigies have played good chess, but rarely produced outstanding combinations. The marvellous productions of such experts as Morphy, Alekhine and Tal came in their more mature period as a result of hard work and study. - Alexander Kotov
Lichess study with games:
For playing out positions you messed up:
Endgame studies: and Arves org
Some tactical ideas are easy to calculate but difficult to see in the first place. If there is a win present in the position but you have never seen the necessary tactical idea, your task becomes the chess equivalent of reinventing the wheel. - Neil Mcdonald
Some people are of the opinion that tactical abilities are innate… My experience as a trainer has convinced me that this is not the case. With targeted training methods it is possible to develop one’s abilities considerably in the sphere of tactical play. - Mark Dvoretsky