Ever wanted to learn how to count cards and beat the casino in the game of blackjack? Look no further. In this video, I explain everything you need to know to get started in the world of advantaged blackjack play! Be sure to like and subscribe, and leave some feedback in the comments!
What Is Blackjack? -
Why Is It Beatable? -
Basic Strategy -
Running Count -
True Count And Deck Estimation -
Deviations -
Bankroll Management + EV Calculation -
Check out Blackjack Apprenticeship for the following resources:
-Basic Strategy Chart: https://www.blackjackapprenticeship.com/blackjack-strategy-charts/
-Basic Strategy Phrases: https://www.blackjackapprenticeship.com/how-to-memorize-basic-strategy/
-Card Counting Pro App on App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/blackjack-card-counting-trainer-free/id582187547
-Card Counting Pro App On Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trainer.bja&hl=en_CA
-They have a newsletter you can sign up for here to receive the deviation charts, or you can just look up the "illustrious 18" on Google for the main ones: https://www.blackjackapprenticeship.com/blackjack-deviations/
And finally, check out Blackjack Advisors' Skool for tons of useful AP resources!: https://www.skool.com/blackjack-advisors-7394/about