How Narcissist Experiences His Collapse (Grandiosity Bubbles and Delusional Solutions)
Collapsed narcissist fails to secure narcissistic supply or even self-supply and they lose all their Pathological Narcissistic Spaces. Narcissists then switch from one type to another (type inconstancy: cerebral-somatic and overt-covert) as a means to secure supply. When type reversion fails, it leads to narcissistic mortification, grandiosity bubbles, decompensation, and Borderline-like personality.
These hysterical endeavours sometimes result in boom-bust cycles which involve, in the first stage, the formation of a Grandiosity Bubble, replete with self-supply. Long-term, this can lead to Binary Narcissism.
If even these don't restore supply, externally or internally, the narcissist opts for one of these solutions: The Delusional Narrative Solution, The Antisocial Solution, The Paranoid Schizoid Solution, The Paranoid Aggressive (Explosive) Solution, or The Masochistic Avoidant Solution.
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