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As a historian watching the latest Johnny Harris video I was disturbed. Johnny has a laudable goal of wanting to show the origins of European colonialism. But he cuts so many corners, that history is sacrificed on the altar of storytelling. In doing so he presents warped version of what actually happened.
The video in question:
00:00 -
00:30 - Johnny Harris Lies To You
00:30 -
01:18 - Johnny's Vid
01:18 -
04:32 - Europe as a dark dark place
04:32 -
05:10 - Portugal's Expansion
05:10 -
10:28 - Columbus Didn't Invent Colonialism
10:28 -
11:37 - A Note on Depicting Native peoples
11:37 -
13:07 - A Compliment For Johnny Harris
13:07 -
15:59 - The Limits of Storytelling
15:59 -
16:24 - Acknowledgements
Mohamed Adhikari - Europe’s First Settler Colonial Incursion into Africa: The Genocide of Aboriginal Canary Islanders
David Haddock & Lynne Kiesling - The Black Death and Property Rights
Jeffrey Barton Russel - Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians
Government Finance and Imposition of Serfdom after the Black Death
Margaret E. Peters
Carla Phillips and William D. Phillips - The Worlds of Colombus
Why People think the world is flat:
I'm a Journalist Who Hates The News
Johnny Harris: A Story of YouTube Propaganda
https://youtu.be/Dum0bqWfiGw (I used Tom Nichols analysis of JH critique of the media)
Should I Sue Johnny Harris?
Imperial's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/IMPERIALYT-1
Faultine's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Faultlinevideos
Hi there, my name is Jochem Boodt. I make the show The Present Past, where I show how the present has been influenced by the past. History, but connected to the present and fun!
Every episode I show how history has influenced and made a thing, an idea or event in our present time.
I make different content. You can find me on:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thepresentpast
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_presentpast/
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Logo by: https://www.instagram.com/multicolor_junkie/
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