How do computers work? CPU, ROM, RAM, address bus, data bus, control bus, address decoding.

How do computers work? CPU, ROM, RAM, address bus, data bus, control bus, address decoding.

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How do computers work? CPU, ROM, RAM, address bus, data bus, control bus, address decoding.
Donate: BTC:384FUkevJsceKXQFnUpKtdRiNAHtRTn7SD ETH: 0x20ac0fc9e6c1f1d0e15f20e9fb09fdadd1f2f5cd 0:00 Role of CPU in a computer 0:45 What is computer memory? What is cell address? 1:30 Read-only and random access memory. 2:25 What is BIOS and how does it work? 3:25 What is address bus? 5:18 What is control bus? RD and WR signals. 7:16 What is data bus? Reading a byte from memory. 9:56 What is address decoding? 10:48 Decoding memory ICs into ranges. 11:29 How does addressable space depend on number of address bits? 12:33 Decoding ROM and RAM ICs in a computer. 14:04 Hexadecimal numbering system and its relation to binary system. 16:00 Using address bits for memory decoding 16:45 CS, OE signals and Z-state (tri-state output) 17:35 Building a decoder using an inverter and the A15 line 18:18 Reading a writing to memory in a computer system. 20:46 Contiguous address space. Address decoding in real computers. 21:45 How does video memory work? 22:39 Decoding input-output ports. IORQ and MEMRQ signals. 23:55 Adding an output port to our computer. 25:13 How does the 1-bit port using a D-type flip-flop work? 26:12 ISA и PCI buses. Device decoding principles.