The largest traditional oil painting and drawing competition just gave an award to the most obvious piece of AI art I've ever seen. The judges were top authenticators of realist painting works, did they not see this? Or was there something greater happening?
Correction: 'The Witchling' was only submitted to and received a finalist position in the Portraiture category, the same category it won an honorable mention in. All of this information has been scrubbed very hard from the website, so I misattributed it to the Imaginative realism category. I still call into question the first-place winner of Imaginative Realism: Casey Baugh. Anthony Waichulis did comment on this video sharing that he removed many contestants for the use of AI and does not support dishonesty in this competition. I do believe that statement. I do think that other judges were not careful with their decision-making because of lack of experience, personal bias, or general negligence.
Anthony's comment: "Wonderful walkthrough of the issue. My name is Anthony Waichulis and I am one of the jurists for the salon you mentioned. I would just like to share with you and your viewers that the artwork in question here was not the only entry that was clearly AI. More people are trying to do this and we do need better means for identification. I identified SEVERAL this year in the IR category alone which were removed from the competition. As you truthfully report, I do support the use of any technology in creative pursuits—but what I do not support, in any way, is dishonest practices. I appreciate your efforts here and hope you and others will continue to bring such issues to light. Best wishes."
I would like to personally condemn the ARC Salon and the Art Renewal Center for their egregious negligence. This goes out to:
Kara Lysandra Ross
Fred Ross
Alyson J Barton
Everything in this video is shown for academic and educational purposes. Any artwork is for anatomical explanation or artistic demonstration of classical painting only.
*Note*: This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact.
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My Tiktok:
My Insta:
00:00 Setup
04:12 Dissection
09:21 Cursory Glance
13:05 a note from the editor
16:20 The Scale of Fraud
20:00 The Judges who Partook
26:00 A Condemnation