Home Automation CONSUMED MY LIFE (and you're next)
Must... integrate... ceiling... fan...
Try Brilliant free for 30 days and get 20% off at https://brilliant.org/zackfreedman
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Show your smart projects: https://discord.gg/voidstarlab
My totally necessary enclosures:
Lilygo ESP32 4-Relay Enclosure https://than.gs/m/947440
ESP32 30-Pin Expansion Board rgbled Driver Enclosure Thingy https://than.gs/m/947443
Home Assistant: https://www.home-assistant.io/
HomeSpan (HomeKit for ESP32) https://github.com/HomeSpan/HomeSpan/tree/master
HomeBridge (HomeKit for non-HomeKit home automation kit) https://homebridge.io/
these names are terrrrrrrrribbbbbbleeee
Interference SFX: Partners in Rhyme
Other SFX: www.zapsplat.com
Light ray and mushroom cloud fire explosion VFX: videezy.com