Higher Light Decree: Dark Narcissist/Energy Vampire/Sexual Predator Release
Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not here being made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you intimately connected. These declarations are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.
Energy vampirism is where a being, or group seeks to steal the vital energy (including the primal sexual energy) of another being to sustain itself. This happens when a being or group is disconnected from the light of Source and needs to find other ways to exist.
This track is designed to release negative agreements, programming, cording and other energies related to all forms of dark narcissists, energy vampires and sexual predators, whether incarnate in this world or seeking to connect through any other dimension of time and space.
Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Absolute Infinity
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Full Script - https://thesoulmatrix.com/2023/10/11/decree-energy-vampire-clearing/
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