HF Multiband Vertical Antenna - FALCON OUT-250B
The FALCON OUT-250B is a Short Wave Multiband Vertical antenna (WARC incl.) with flat SWR across the bands. In this video I assemble, install, test, compare and modify of this 7,13m tall vertical antenna. I hope you enjoy this video :) Best 73
Link where I bought this antenna from: https://www.locuradigital.com/en/hf_antennas/base_antennas/falcon_base/falcon_out250b_hf_antenna.htm
Antenna Features:
- Bands. 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 75/80 m
- TX: 3.5 - 57 MHz
- RX: 2 - 90 MHz
- Impedance:. 50 Ohm
- Maximum power: 250 W SSB / FM 125 W
- Connector: SO239 (PL)
- VSWR: Less than 1.5: 1
- Height: 7.13 m
- Weight: 3 kg
- Wind Speed: 30 m/s
- Mast. Diameter: max. 42 mm
#FalconOut250b #MultibandVerticalAntenna #ShortwaveAntenna