I can't play fast! It's the most common complaint in picking technique. If you have a very low maximum picking speed limit, below 150 beats per minute sixteenth notes, there's good news: that's probably not your actual speed limit! You're probably just stringhopping. In this awesome case study from the Pickslanting Primer, we learn how to break through that barrier. For more case studies just like this one, and to unlock your true picking technique potential, check out the Pickslanting Primer: https://troygrady.com/primer
0:00 - Case study pt. I: stringhopping motion
1:04 - Stringhopping mechanics: why it doesn't work
5:28 - Eric Johnson's stringhopping "bounce technique"
6:39 - Case study pt. II: solving stringhopping motion
8:55 - Practicing motion correctness vs musical correctness
10:20 - For further learning: studying with Cracking the Code