Hebrew Alphabet (Alefbet) + Vowels - full tutorial!
A complete tutorial on how to pronounce, write, and use the Hebrew
alphabet, including vowel points. Stick around to the end, where you can learn the Hebrew Alefbet Song, and play a game to learn the vowels!
00:00 Introduction
00:11 'alef (א)
01:45 bet (ב)
02:54 gimel (ג)
03:40 dalet (ד)
04:34 heh (ה)
05:13 vav (ו)
06:03 zayin (ז)
06:59 het (ח)
08:07 tet (ט)
09:00 yod (י)
09:43 kaf (כ)
12:07 lamed (ל)
13:02 mem (מ)
14:17 nun (נ)
15:26 samekh (ס)
16:23 'ayin (ע)
17:15 peh (פ)
18:30 tsadi (צ)
20:14 qof (ק)
21:04 resh (ר)
22:35 sin/shin (שׂ,שׁ)
23:53 tav (ת)
24:50 shir ha'alefbet (alefbet song)
26:00 Hebrew vowels
32:55 Vowel Game!