HE DIED AND MET GOD, AND HE WASN'T READY. The incredible near-death experience of Fr. Rick Wendell.

HE DIED AND MET GOD, AND HE WASN'T READY. The incredible near-death experience of Fr. Rick Wendell.

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HE DIED AND MET GOD, AND HE WASN'T READY. The incredible near-death experience of Fr. Rick Wendell.
ATTENTION! Fr. Rick Wendell just lost one of his legs below the knee due to an infection, which almost took his life. He does not have the funds for a prosthesis, and insurance has refused to cover it, so Queen of Peace Media is using any profits received from the sales of the riveting, #1 Amazon best-seller, with Fr. Rick's amazing story in it, OF MEN AND MARY: HOW SIX MEN WON THE GREATEST BATTLE OF THEIR LIVES. The book promises to please! Read the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Amazon! Consider getting it for yourself and for others this Christmas so we all can help Fr. Rick. In order for the funds to go to Fr. Rick, please order the book here: https://queenofpeacemedia.com/product/of-men-and-mary-how-six-men-won-the-greatest-battle-of-their-lives-copy/. To check out the beautiful book trailer click here: https://youtu.be/xQb61yWQw1o Thank you and God bless! Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, calls the book, “Anointed!” Exorcist Fr. Gary Thomas, subject of the movie, “The Rite,” says, “OF MEN AND MARY is superb. The six life testimonies contained within it are miraculous, heroic, and truly inspiring.” Certain books as this come along that have the power “to transform lives, to free people from darkness,” claims Br. Daniel Maria Klimek, T.O.R. “I plan to share this tremendous work with many through the years.” You will find yourself inspired by a murderer, a sweet lamb who lost it all, and a man who literally died—and then came back to life. You will suddenly root for a football player tackled by the Blessed Mother, a man caught up in illicit sexual liaisons, and a man whose marriage was as good as dead. To order through Amazon, click here: https://amzn.to/2FjoCBR. Fr. Rick Wendell tells his conversion story of being a partying, womanizing, egotistical, engaged man who died for two and a half hours and returned to life a completely different person. Rick was then led to go to Medjugorje, where God surprised him with an illumination of conscience, and where Jesus appeared to tell him to be a Catholic priest. Fr. Rick's story will change the way you look at life. For more information about this book of Catholic conversion stories and others by Catholic author, Christine Watkins, see https://queenofpeacemedia.com/catholic-bookstore/ For the best-seller, FULL OF GRACE: MIRACULOUS STORIES OF HEALING AND CONVERSION THROUGH MARY'S INTERCESSION, click here: amzn.to/2mJ9gKO For the highly acclaimed book, TRANSFIGURED: PATRICIA SANDOVAL'S ESCAPE FROM DRUGS, HOMELESSNESS, AND THE BACK DOORS OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD, click here: amzn.to/2Nu4Y55. For the book Spanish: TRANSFIGURADA: EL ESCAPE DE LAS DROGAS, DE LA CALLE Y DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL ABORTO, DE PATRICIA SANDOVAL, click here: https://amzn.to/2Aev3l1 Would you like to consecrate yourself to the Mother of God? See See: https://queenofpeacemedia.com/marys-mantle For MARY'S MANTLE CONSECRATION: A SPIRITUAL RETREAT FOR HEAVEN'S HELP See: https://amzn.to/2Tq4QKG For MARY'S MANTLE CONSECRATION: PRAYER JOURNAL See: https://amzn.to/2GSIBHB Also, see the Queen of Peace Media YouTube channel for Christine Watkins' weekly YouTube videos: "Find your way Home, " at bit.ly/2HDl65U