[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.82 셉셉투어 : 팔랑귀 여행 (TOUR SEV SEV : Gullibles’ Travels)
[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.82 셉셉투어 : 팔랑귀 여행 (TOUR SEV SEV : Gullibles’ Travels)
지금 어디로 떠나고 싶으신가요?🤔
지금 무엇을 먹고 싶으세요?🍽
본격적으로 시작된 셉셉투어, 그 첫 번째 이야기!
시민들이 정해주는 팔랑귀 여행팀의 예측 불가 코스는?😂
Where would you like to go right now? 🤔
What would you like to eat? 🍽
Tour SEV SEV has officially begun, and here’s the first chapter!
What unpredictable adventure awaits for “Team Gullible” as the passers-by make the choices for them? 😂