Tyrion Lannister’s favourite uncle was lost at sea eight years ago, on a quest to find a sword in Valyria. What happened to him? Is Gerion connected to Euron Greyjoy, the corsair king, or the Shrouded Lord? Is Gerion the father of the Sailor's Wife’s daughter, Lanna?
This video contains spoilers for the Game of Thrones show and books, including preview TWOW chapters.
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Created with Adobe After Effects and a Blue Yeti USB microphone.
Images and video from Game of Thrones are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.
Images from The World of Ice and Fire used with permission from Random House.
Gerion art by kethryn: http://kethryn.deviantart.com/art/Gerion-Lannister-320721457
Euron art by Evaun Wallington: https://twitter.com/drafturgy
Lord of the Rings image: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51GJzbM5vTL.jpg
Bible image: https://www.baroniuspress.com/upimages/60-327.jpg
References / further reading:
Thanks to the following Patrons: Jason A. Diegmueller, Reverend Xandria, @MrFifaSA, Cameron Weiss, @Vineyarddawg, Zachary Antin, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Pan, Jason Rattray, Cynbobby Joe, Kate Lyons, Ryan Steele, Michael Appell, Matthew Elisha Williams, Otter, David Howe, Fallon Mail, Cregg Riley, Sean Ludtke, Todd Marcus, Chris Cole, LightCraft Miniature Studios, Jake Burling, Chris Amolsch, Fred Petty