This is the Short Version of the build documentation of a one-seat ultralight experimental helicopter reduced to a 33Min Best of Movie. Pure building with additional maps/plans from the constructed model.
00:00 Intro
00:19 Landing Gear Skids
00:41 Main Frame Structure
01:14 Pilot Flight Controls
02:24 Main Rotor Head
03:51 Custom Pilot Seat
04:21 Main Gearbox Housing
04:58 Tail Boom Mount
05:32 Main Rotor Shaft
06:12 Cockpit Instrument Panel
06:58 Main Rotor Gears
07:39 Main Rotor Gearbox Assembly
08:30 Main Rotor Gearbox Install
09:10 Main Rotor Control System
09:52 Main Rotor Head Install
10:42 Basic Cabin Structure
11:25 Engine Install
12:08 Exhaust Install
12:55 Engine Cooling System
13:30 Aluminum Fuel Tank
14:20 Freewheel Beltdrive Pulley
15:16 Tail Rotor Transmission Shaft
16:16 Central Gearbox
17:27 Tail Rotor Gearbox Install
18:14 Tail Rotor Gearbox
19:38 Tail Rotor Gearbox Install
20:28 Main Rotor Transmission Shaft
21:17 Main Rotor Blades
23:05 Aero Tail Fin
24:02 Manual Beltdrive Clutch
24:56 Tail Rotor Assembly
26:34 Navigation and Strobe Lights
27:15 Tail Rotor Pitch Control
28:09 First Engine Start
29:06 Longitudinal Balance Test
29:49 Tail Rotor Blades
31:03 Main Rotor Blades Install
32:27 Overview