I'm back again putting athletes head to head and today I answer the question...which sport has the better athletes - football or soccer?!
Football vs Basketball - Who Are Better Athletes?
30 Elite Athletes Compete for $10,000
Check out everyone’s instagram below!
Team Football
Christopher Spell @christopherspell
Adebayo Soremekun @adebayosoremekun_
Obe “Slice” Silue @officialobesilue
Justin Walker @therealj_walk
Team Soccer
Karim Barcelo @karimbarcelo7
Riden Harout @riden_harout
Chuka Aruh @chukaaruh
Osman Roa @osman_roa
Bucketsquad Apparel - https://bucketsquad.com/
★ Follow me on social media @Jesser ★
●Instagram https://instagram.com/jesser
●Twitter https://twitter.com/jesser